Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Greetings

It's been a busy last week of school. Not only is it the week before Christmas, but it's also the week before school gets out for the year. We still have some winter camps to do for the next month but tomorrow we are done with regular classes for the year. Oh how time flies!

We have been doing some Christmas lessons with the kids, but I was very surprised last week when I started getting Christmas cards that the kids made on their own time. It was a great surprise and they were so sweet so I had to share them with everyone.

Today I also had the best day at school in probably the whole year. Three of my 5th grade girls that are in my after-school class surprised me with an End-Of-The-Year/Christmas party. They put it all together and bought everything, and we spent the afternoon eating cake and watching Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. It was such a great way to end the year with them. I will definitely miss my after-school class and those girls! Reading their sweet card actually made me tear up a little.

Anyways, so here are some pictures of my Christmas cards and the surprise party.

Decorations from the End-Of-The-Year/Christmas surprise party.

When I went to cut the cake, they actually apologized and said, "Teacher we wanted a bigger cake, but it was too expensive."

Handmade gifts from the girls. It's kinda like cross stitching but with yarn. They also got me a snow globe that says, "Sweet Heart."

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